
Dominion Diagnostics is committed to providing clinical tools and resources to support healthcare education. Here you’ll find links to clinically relevant podcasts, videos, technical papers, research and more.

Neurophysiological Measures and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): Hypothesizing Links between Clinical Severity Index and Molecular Neurobiological Patterns

Background: In 1987, Cloninger proposed a clinical description and classification of different personality traits genetically defined and independent from each other. Moreover, he elaborated a specific test the TCI to investigate these...

Drug Abuse Relapse Rates Linked to Level of Education: Can We Repair Hypodopaminergic-Induced Cognitive Decline With Nutrient Therapy?

Abstract: It is well known that athletes are among individuals with high risk for all reward deficiency syndrome (RDS) behaviors, including substance use disorder (SUD). Comparing patient demographics and relapse rates in chemical...

When the Servant Becomes the Master

The definitive guide to addiction that addresses misinformation and stigma, humanizes the disease within a framework of science, research, and personal experience, and provides a wealth of information on the various forms addiction takes...

Uppers, Downers, All Arounders

This highly regarded textbook from one of the leaders in drug education has been adopted for courses in over 400 colleges and universities nationwide and is featured in the training curriculum of the DEA, and many law enforcement programs...

Molecular Neurobiology of Addiction Recovery: The 12 Steps Program and Fellowship

Humans are biologically programmed to seek out pleasurable experiences.  These experiences are processed in the mesolimbic system, also referred to as the "reward center" of the brain, where a number of chemical messengers work in concert...

Medically-Assisted Treatment (MAT): The Counseling Side

An Educational Lecture entitled Medically-Assisted Treatment (MAT): The Counseling Side Presented at the 2016 Virginia Summer Institute for Addiction Studies Presented by: Shannon Garrett, LGSW, LCADC PERMISSIONS:  Please do not reproduce...
